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Welcome to LógicaMX

LógicaMX is a non-profit project that promotes the dissemination of logic, its philosophy, and its applications, among, mostly, Spanish-speaking audiences. 

 aims at fostering free access to high-quality educational content,  women’s visibility and inclusion of other marginalized groups in logic and philosophy of science, as well as building teamwork and expertise among Latin American logicians and philosophers of science.


 The project

Free access to educational content: LógicaMX is a response to the lack of introductory resources to logic available to Spanish speakers and the damaging effect that this has on the public's academic (and non-academic) preparation regarding practical reasoning, logic and its applications. 
    The content of LógicaMX is prepared by highly skilled young logicians and philosophers of science, and it can be accessed for free via popular social platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. 
Inclusion of marginalized groups: In Mexico, women are only 7 percent of academic logicians, and while young (non-tenured) scholars are the 75 percent of the currently active logic academic community, their work almost never gets enough visibility.  
    LógicaMX aims at fostering the inclusion of marginalized groups and communities in Latin American cultures; particularly, historical and current, female logicians and philosophers of science interested in logic, as well as young Latin American scholars working on logic and its philosophy, among others. 
 Building teamwork and expertise among Latin American logicians and philosophers of science. In this respect, LógicaMX has created a collaborative network of +50 young logicians (48% female, 52% male; 70 % from Mexico, 30% from other nationalities) each of which has participated in the production of audiovisual content for the project.

Also, as a program with educational purposes, LógicaMX aims at cultivating freedom of expression, independence of thought, and curiosity.

In 2021, we received the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA)'s 'Outreach and Engagement Award'

LógicaMX was founded in January 2021

 The latest numbers

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